This is Denver’s Side
New pictures and current developments are documented here.
Fall 24
Holliday, Impressionen at work
with my pack.
Summer 24
Walking on the fitness trail,
swimming in the pool or river and searching for the nose,
another type of activity.
Winter 23 24
Chynthia and her pack are often out and about,
to find new routes for walking.
Sir Henry is looking for his Christmas present and
both dogs test out a playground
Autumn 2023
The second D-litter meeting took place in October 23. A few impressions of Sir Henry during the course and free play
Summer 2023
Summer impressions with Sir Henry and Easy, his friend,
on vacation and during activities.
May 2023
New Video and greetings to siblings to easter
Easter Greetings from Denver
Two photos, can you tell the two apart?
March 2023
Photoshoot by Denver -Sir Henry
Trying tricks and much more
January 2023
Free Shapen – best buddies
September / November 2022
Impressions from a summer holiday by the sea,
Mistress and the pack enjoyed it.
on the morning walk with Easy and Sir Henry
August 2022
New play alternative for Denver in Videos
Denvers first months
Activities and Excursions
Become a dream team with Easy.
May 2022
Denver arriving in the family,
his new family members, first experiences and excursions
his first week in pictures.
Denver at his new home
Denver will live with Cynthia and the Gos bitch Easy in Langenfeld.
He is called Sir Henry now.
Denver before departure
Denver with one and eight weeks