This is Diego’s ( Pepe ) Side
New pictures and current developments are documented here.


Diego-Pepe’s Videos

Fall/ Winter 2023/2024

A few autumn impressions of Pepe and his friend Stella
The two get along and are a good pack

Summer 2023

the resemblance is unmistakable –
who might it be- they may not be twins, but who can guess?
in the sunlight one could not distinguish them so quickly.
Zwillinge ?Zwillinge ?

Diego Pepe in his home – impressions of the big “guy”

Winter 2023

Diego Pepe in the snow and his hobby “TV”

June – December 2022

Pepes life with Stella and her mistress 2022

May 2022

Pepe also arrived home safely,
he had a much longer journey ahead of him.
There was first contact with his new buddy,
he was still a bit anxious at first, but the next morning he was feeling much better.
Carmen is particularly pleased that he hasn’t done anything in the apartment yet,
a great sign that she is taking good care of him and realizing
when “walkies/garden walks” are the order of the day.

Diego-Pepe in his new home with his mistress

Pepe with his new mistress

Diego’s home is with Carmen and
the livestock protection dog Stella from Chemnitz.
Diego is now called Pepe

Pepe before departure

Pepe before departure

Pepe with one weekPepe with eight weeks

Pepe with one week and with eight weeks