Jade from one to two years

Links to Jade Part V, IV, III und I
Jade Part V and Jade Part IV and Jade Part III and Jade Part I


October 2015

Jade’s preparation for the “Begleithundprüfung” begins.

She is very attentive and wants to work.
Let’s see when we can sign up.


Summer 2015

This year we were often in Holland.
Jade enjoys the time and has a lot of fun. Sometimes with Baika.
More pictures will be available soon under picture gallery and topics.

April 2015

Jade’s hobby nose / sniffing
She is still looking in a small field of debris
for an object of 0.5 cm width and 4 cm length
the object is visible in the third picture. 
The procedure is as follows
First we wait for a command, then the rubble field is searched
when the object is found, it lays down in front of it and holds the muzzle to the object.
After that, there is a reward on the item.

Nasensuchen Nasensuche
Nasensuche Nasensuche



March 2015

With a little melancholy – Jade’s last puppy lesson
Now it goes to the junior dog school