Our offspring Daja

Daja mit 8 Monaten   Daja mit 3 Moanten   

Daja will still be seen among the D litter,
until we have concrete plans for a litter.
Then her further life – just like Ringo and Baika – will continue on the female/male side.
As long as please look at D-Litter Daja nach.

13th January 2024
Daja has met all the requirements for breeding in Kassel.
We are proud of this success.
Now let’s let our youngster really grow up
and then we will see which handsome and suitable male we can find for her.

16th March März 2023
We don’t want to withhold a picture from the photographer

Daja 2023

Daja successfully took part in our puppy course at the dog training ground
Daja took the snotty course and we are now working on the basic training
and attends the nose search course in our association with Mum Angela
We’ll see where it will go.