This is Dajas ( Cartney ) side
New pictures and current developments are documented here.


Daja-Cartney’s Videos


27th June 2024 an addendum from May

Our two ladies had gentlemen visiting,
but not at the same time.
A great male, Fred, was at the exhibition in Dortmund
and we met once at our dog park with Daja and
once in Herdecke on the Ruhr with Jade.
The meetings were harmonious, although different, but why was that?
Fred is a well-behaved male with a bit of fire,
who likes to encourage ladies or be encouraged.
see the following page for more information.
Daja and Fred

15th March 2024

A picture from the photographer – compare it to a year ago

Daja two years 2024

Daja two years

1st March 2024

a few impressions of our little “black one” in winter / spring 2024
Daja in the garden, playing in a pose
or just resting in our house

Our little mouse is slowly growing up.
She passed her last necessary exhibition and breeding approval with flying colors.
Angela and Heike are proud of this success.
Part of the form evaluation is still posted under videos.

January 2024

vacination with Johnny and her pack
The weather wasn’t ideal, but they made the best of it.

30th Oktober 2023

At the second D-litter meeting, Daja and Heike had a lot of fun completing the course and free play

Today we got the news,
that Daja has an HD free hip.
Now there are two and we hope for more good hips.

July 2023

Daja’s second show – the German Winner Show in Gelsenkirchen –
We are very proud of the achieved excellent 2 in the intermediate class.

April 2023

Daja’s games in the garden and our first holiday with her

February / March 2023


Daja at the photo shoot, help with the gardening and much more

January 2023

Daja’s Christmas in pictures

November 2022

New Videos and Pictures in the gallery from Daja

May 2022

Daja’s first day with Andy and Johnny
Daja und AndyDaja and Johnny

Daja and Draik in Andy and Heike’s garden
her first puppy lessionLütgendortmund

Daja with Andy

Daja’s new home is in Dortmund with our friends Heike and Andy and their boy Johnney.
However, like our male Ares was alive, she will be with us a lot and
hopefully by us, Jade and Baika will have their second home.
Daja is now called Cartney

Daja vor der Abgabe

Daja before departure

Daja with one weekDaja with eight weeks

Daja with one and with eight weeks