Now comes the time when the puppies should slowly be accustomed to the outside air.
The as yet unfamiliar environmental noises can still seem scary at first,
but at the latest after 2 – 3 days they romp and romp all over the garden.
Curiosity outweighs insecurity.
The bitch should accompany the new steps of discovery of her children,
because the puppies orientate themselves on the behavior of their mother.
The bitch should decide for herself whether she wants to be with her puppies,
or prefer to move away.
Intensive contact with people is now immensely important.
With each greeting the puppy should be given a small piece of food,
this strengthens the expectation that good always proceeds from the hand of man.
Since the puppies are already getting several meals from human hands,
it may be helpful to get the puppies used to a whistle/noise.
The whistle / sound is positive, approach = delicious meal = full belly.

Tuesday / Wednesday Day 34/35 12th/13th April

Before it started raining on Wednesday evening,
we spent a large part of the day in the garden.
You can tell the fresh air from the puppies,
they are currently sleeping significantly longer than in the days
wherever they were in the house.
My special focus today was looking at the faces-
what did Dali inherit, what is from Jade.
look at: Head studies D-Litter
And here you can clearly say
there are pronounced Dali faces and pronounced Jade faces.
Dona Violetta, Don Verd clar, Don blau clar and Don Vermel as well as Dona Taronja have Jade’s face.
Dona Rosa, Don Gris, Don Groc and Don Verd fosc have Dali’s face.
Trying to take a picture of a current male gang,
unfortunately failed due to the liveliness of the 6,
there will be at most one sleeping photo.
I’m still trying the girls.

Tuesday was the grandchildren’s visit day and
Junika and Minou were very happy with the little ones.
Both were very careful with the puppies,
were not shy.
Minou just didn’t want to get kisses from the puppies.
She loved stroking her on her lap.

Monday Day 33 11th April

We also spent several hours in the garden on Monday.
There were interested parties, we continued to watch the puppies,
busy, cuddled and fed.
Now food doesn’t have to be absolute mush anymore,
small chunks are also eaten;
but they still have a hard time chewing, although many teeth are now visible.
The toy is now properly tried out and
also the adventure playground is examined everywhere.
Don Blau clar, Dona Taranja, Dona Violetta and Don Gris come to us to cuddle.
Don Vermell and Dona Rosa are silent observers at the moment,
I think the saying “still waters run deep” also applies to both of them.
Our bully Don Gris, Chaos Don Verd clar are both very active –
our Dona Violetta too.
Don Groc is a middle ground between Don Gris and Don Blau clar –
let’s see where the journey goes.

Saturday/ Sunday Day 31/32 09th/10th April

The motto of the weekend was:
find 1/4 hour rain-free time to be able to garden.
Jade was a good help with the puppies;
it turned out, however, that it was not necessary at all.
They strutted through the garden as if they had never done anything else.
Our adventure playground
adventure playgroundadventure playground
After a short time, everyone just wanted to go back to their usual nest.
Little by little the adventure playground will be completed.
The tunnel was inaugurated on Sunday and a few have even walked through it.

Thursday / Friday Day 29/30 07th/08th April

Unfortunately the weather has been like this for the last two days
that going outside was not possible.
So let’s hope for the next few days.
wait for twoa nice snapshot
waiting for two, if someone dares to go outside ?
just a nice snapshot.
The little ones now walk quite safely on the ground,
play with each other or with the mother when they are awake.
Get to know toys and have the first experiences with vacuum cleaners and wipers.
We take the time to give each puppy an intense moment with us,
they like to be held and lick and cuddle you.
Actually, the whelping box could already be dismantled, my husband thinks,
since they now mostly take their sleep outside in some corners / caves;
but in the evening it’s better for security reasons,
letting her sleep in the puppy crate.
Also during the day they are “transported” to the whelping box for a few hours,
because they have more peace and security there, which is very important to them.
it might be interestingwe are waiting
Waiting for better weather or ???