Here all published vidoes can be seen on facebook or at my HP

March 2021

Field walk with Chewbacca and Michael and his “go for a walk buddies”
Frida is busy with “sausages” while master and mistress play knifes.
She has a lot of fun doing it.





Winter 2021


two fieldwalks with Costello and Michael




Febuary 2021

Snow impressions and winter impressions from our C-litter dogs
Chanta rages at the first snow in the garden

Jade, Ciwana and Chiwano a forest walk
The dogs have fun and they train in small units.


Jade, Ciwana and Chiwano in the field during a walk


Darwin runs into the garden and is happy about snow. Probably also his first snow.


August 2020

Videos from August,
most dogs having their own pool and they have all fun with it.
Chewbacca in the garden with his pool;
Gundula animates him nicely
Chanta was dirty from a walk, she washes herselves
Cuni at sea on holiday on Föhr
Chiwano arrives in his new home. He plays in the garden with Angelika



the first day at his new home;
he is happy


Chuni swimming as a rat

July 2020

Cuni playing and apports in the Rhein
Colina playing with her best friend, a Briard male.



June 2020

two videos from the meeting of young dogs
We just enjoy their game,
of their joy and their people.
the first video is played by Cuni and Calimero
the second shows everyone.

15th April 2020

Videos of the C-litter can be seen under the respective dogs from March 2020 (see links C-litter).
Others are only posted here on special occasions.
Since they do not have to be entered twice.

19th January 2020

we have a few more videos
added from the seventh week.

30th November 2019

the first day at Kennel el Fuego del Viento

Videos of the first and second week

Videos of the third and fourth week

Videos of the fifth and sixth week

Videos of the seventh and eightth week