Happy BirthdayHappy BirthdayHappy BirthdayHappy Birthday
27. Juni 2019

Congratulations on your 11th birthday
We wish all owners many years to come with their buddies
and Gentlemen Alano-Alvaro and Ares-Ringo
as well as the ladies Aura-Aurelia and Anina-Summer


A Wurf

All seven in one go


Even at the age of eleven, four out of seven are still healthy
and the ailments of old age are not yet plaguing too much.
Unfortunately, over the course of this year, we learned the Andor Carlos in February and
Alessa-Malou last September
walked over the rainbow bridge. We added a last photo of the two of them.

Current pictures of the six dogs can be seen here


Alvaro has kept its original color



Carlos turned 10 1/2 years old.
His owners and we will be fondly remembered



Ringo is doing fine considering his age.
In the meantime he has the nice deep barquillo color again like in his youth



Malou is 10 years old.
His owner and we will keep these great dogs in our memories.



Summer romps around happily with her family
and they can’t imagine life without a buzzer



Aurelia is arguably the fitest of them all.
She is an image of her half-sister Baika, but much more compact


We hope to get a photo of the four next year too.
Maybe we can create a complete list again.
Thank you for the contact over the years.