Female Baika
Baikas Pedigree |
11th December 2023
Born into our hands – gone in our arms
With deep sadness we say goodbye to our beloved Baika
She enriched our lives for more than 13 years –
be it in family life, in sports, at dog meetings and much more more.
She was the smallest and last from our 10 B litter
and so it quickly became clear to us and especially to Irish that we would keep her.
She grew into a bitch who knew what she was doing she wanted,
was always happy to work and loved dog sports above all else
be it initially agility, later rally obedience, nose search, nose work and in between through hoopers.
Now we had to say goodbye and she leaves a big gap behind.
She will always have a place in our hearts.
Greet your 6 siblings, your mother and our first dog Benny in rainbow land.
Have a good trip there, beloved Baika
a look back at Baika’s life: Baikas Life
Her life in our family, with Iren and Family Schüssler and her senior life is visible via the link Baika at Schüsslers / Bornemann