this is Dexter’s side
new pictures and developement are documented here.


Dexter’s Videos

Summer 2023 – Summer 24

Carlos has changed completely in terms of appearance,
The light grey has gone into the arena and is therefore more jade than Dali.
But the “ball of wool” has remained.
Bettina and Friedrich are very happy with their boy.

Winter / Spring 2023

Winter impressions from Carlos and holiday pictures at the North Sea.

December 2022

Visit to Dexter Carlos in Rodenkirchen,
he has grown into a great dog.
Miss is overjoyed.

July 2022

Dexter was the last to find his new home.
His pack are Bettina and Friedrich from Cologne,
who will call him Carlos from now on.
Have fun with your new family.

Dexter and Jade are back from vacation.
The development of Dexter has made great progress.
In the house a lying dog – calm, chilled -, outside playing happily, eager to learn –
just a great dog. Carlos is visiting Aurelia, our bitch from the A-litter, two houses away. – see gallery below


June 2022

We are in Holland for a week in our holiday bungalow.
Dexter will of course come along. Both dogs are enjoying the time and the weather.
It is wonderful to see how the two understand and harmonize.

Dexter with us between 10 and 14 weeks

Denver vor der Abgabe

Dexter with 10 weeks

Dexter with one weekDexter with 8 weeks

Dexter with one and with eight weeks