This is Chiwano’s page
Pictures and developments are documented here
Chiwano now lives with Angelika, Gerd and Julius in Dortmund.
The new family took over his name Darwin.
Pictures and other experiences in his life can be found here.
There are also several videos from Darwin,
that’s why we’ve put them on a separate page. Chiwano’s Videos
Summer – Fall 24
Impressions from the summer vacation in Holland
They were very close to our bungalow in Sint Martenszee.
A video will also be posted.
Pictures of a nice walk from Dortmund, pictures of the home
Christmas 23
Chiwanos-Darwins Christmas greeting
Autumn 23
a little addendum from my summer vacation in Darwin
Autumn 23
second El Fuego del Viento meeting with sister and three half-siblings
Summer 2023
the resemblance is unmistakable –
who might it be- they may not be twins, but who can guess?
in the sunlight one could not distinguish them so quickly.
spring 23
finally walks with mum possible
Holiday in Holland Callantsoog
Autumn 2022
Chiwano-Darwin autumn 22
Darwin loves his mistress dearly,
Pictures from the garden and walks
Autumn 2021
Darwin with Jade while trailing in a small wooded area.
Darwin was with Frida and Jade at a dog seminar in Siegerland
Many possibilities were shown, which sports / activities are possible
Agility and nose searching were just a few examples.
Darwin was obviously having fun.
Winter / Summer 2021
Darwin’s pastime in the garden
Darwin and Chewbacca meet in the dog park
while Chewie waits for his new home.
Chiwana after the visit at the hairdresser.
Autumn 2020
new impressions of Darwin in his new realm
On vacation and at home
September 2020
Darwin on short break in North Holland
He likes the beach,
the walks with the pack.
Even a visit to the beach bar worked out great.
Nice to see how it is more and more popular.
August 2020
We meet Darwin and Frieda with their pack
sometimes in the dog park, sometimes in the field
to work or to have contact
The two get along really well
August 2020
Darwin has been with his new family since August 4th and is getting used to it.
Darwin moved to his new family at the beginning of August.
He immediately feels comfortable and enjoys playing.

Darwins new family Angelika, Gerd and Julius
July 2020
Chiwano visting Chanta.
One hardly believes that these are siblings.
Chiwano appears huge compared to Chanta.
Both had great fun, understood each other immediately
and ran for a race, could hardly get enough of each other.
But they were also during a small snack from the dog handlers,
calm and relaxed under the table.
Chiwano involuntarily took a bath;
it didn’t bother him much, he was just a little puzzled,
that you can’t walk on the water of a pool.
He is looking for his playmate – they eye each other
Trying to walk on the water – both are waiting for a prompt
June 2020
Darwin grows and thrives, he is now 6 months old
Spring 2020
Darwin has a lot of fun with his new family.
he enjoys the walks.
March 2020
Lisa, Chris, Ella and Oscar are his new family.
They are living in Brüssel, Belgium
February 2020
Chiwano with eleven weeks
Chiwano with nine weeks
Chiwano with six and seven weeks
Chiwano with one and with four weeks
Chiwano’s time at El Fuego del Viento Kennel
Chiwano with two and eight weeks