The galleries are divided into an annual gallery and a themed gallery.

In the annual gallery are found every year interesting events and photo documents.

In the theme gallery you will find a gallery about a theme, which will be updated over the years.
And thus gives an insight into the “dog life” of our family.

Have fun browsing.
the tables will be completed gradually
Check in at intervals !!

February 2022

Galeries from 2008 till 2022 are online now

February 2022
Years Gallery is here to be visited
theme gallery is here to be visited

For a quick access see below

Frauchen verabredete sich mit meiner tollen Freundin Cuni. Wir sollten noch mal so richtig miteinander toben, bevor es nicht mehr geht !! (Was immer sie damit meinten????) Wir trafen uns also am Feld und ich sollte Cuni ganz herzlich begrüssen, aber irgendwie verlief die Verabredung etwas anders...... Seht und urteilt selbst !!!