The galleries are divided into an annual gallery and a themed gallery.
In the annual gallery are found every year interesting events and photo documents.
In the theme gallery you will find a gallery about a theme, which will be updated over the years.
And thus gives an insight into the “dog life” of our family.
Have fun browsing.
the tables will be completed gradually
Check in at intervals !!
February 2022
Galeries from 2008 till 2022 are online now
February 2022
Years Gallery is here to be visited
theme gallery is here to be visited
For a quick access see below
Bei Basinas Frauchen war ein Urlauber.
Beli aus ihrem Wurf von Dezember 2014.
Wir wollten uns den Nachwuchs gerne ansehen.
So konnten wir Basina, Ben und Beli besuchen.
Vielen Dank an Bettina für den schönen Nachmittag
At Basina's owner was a vacationer.
Beli from her litter from December 2014.
We wanted to look at the youngsters.
So we could visit Basina, Ben and Beli.
Many thanks to Bettina for the nice afternoon