Happy BirthdayHappy BirthdayHappy BirthdayHappy Birthday

28. Mai 2020
Congratulations on your tenth birthday

We wish all owners many more years with their buddies
and gentlemen Baleno-Paule, Bangos, Bomo-Tiesto, Bungee-Tinos
and ladies Baika, Basina-Josie, Banu-Biggi, Belana and Branka

Time is ticking, we are in the middle of the senior age.
Unfortunately, one of our 10 has already crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
We commemorate Biego, who left us in January with a current picture of him;
Farewell great man, we’ll see you again.
We wish our owners continued joy with your dog.
A current photo, as far as we have it, can be found here

click on the image to be in full screen mode.

Thank you for the pictures
and loving contact over the years.